LeetDesk gaat samenwerken met SK Gaming!
Spannende tijden in het vooruitzicht! LeetDesk is trots om onze nieuwste samenwerking aan te kondigen met niemand minder dan de esportslegende, SK Gaming.
We were a partner of the Nilis Apartment Cup 4, where the best Age of Empires 2 players worldwide competed against each other in exciting battles for victory. The event took place at the XPERION in Berlin and attracted numerous fans of the game. A total prize pool of 85,000 USD was played for.
We are very happy to be the official gaming desk sponsors for this e-sports event and to be able to provide our LeetDesks to well-known gamers like TheViper and the other GamerLegion members. At the same time we are proud to be able to support an event with such a great community.
Here you can find a small impression of the atmosphere at the NAC4. ⚔️
We look forward to many more events with you!
Your LeetDesk Team 👋