LeetDesk goes BIG

LeetDesk x BIG

World-class athletes need top-level equipment. No one knows this better than the players of BIG (Berlin International Gaming). We are therefore proud to announce that LeetDesk is the official Gaming Desk Partner of BIG!

Every gamer needs to be able to adjust his setup to his needs, for example the settings in-game like crosshair and resolution, but also everything outside the game has to be optimal as well.

LeetDesk is looking forward to celebrating many great victories as the official partner with BIG!

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Dwa loga SK Gaming i LeetDesk ogłaszające partnerstwo i nakładające się na obraz członków SK Gaming grających na swoich LeetDeskach.

LeetDesk nawiązuje współpracę z SK Gaming!

Przed nami ekscytujące chwile! LeetDesk z dumą ogłasza nasze najnowsze partnerstwo z nikim innym, jak legendą esportu, SK Gaming.

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