LeetDesk AURA⭕️ - Release delayed

LeetDesk AURA release delayed

Delivery of the new LeetDesk AURA⭕️ delayed

The LeetDesk AURA⭕️ is eagerly awaited by you. We know that. Unfortunately, we have to inform you that the release of the RGB desk is slightly delayed.

We understand that this news is disappointing at first. However, our top priority is to offer you a product of the highest quality in the end. That's why we work hard to ensure that these high quality standards are met for you. This includes thorough testing and quality control, as well as product development to ensure that the LeetDesk AURA⭕️ exceeds your expectations. This applies generally to our entire product range.

We are convinced that the time we take now will result in a better product for you in the long run. Your satisfaction is our top priority and we are confident that the extra time and effort we have put into the LeetDesk AURA⭕️ will pay off.

We thank you for your patience and understanding. We continue to work to create a product that we, and you, will be proud of in the end. We will keep you updated on the progress and are confident that we can start shipping the first products in Q2 2023.

Thank you for your continued support of LeetDesk. We can't wait to share the LeetDesk AURA⭕️ with you soon!

Your LeetDesk team🙏

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