Laptop Tray & Triple Monitor Arm are back!

Laptop Tray and Triple Monitor Arm Add-On

Our Laptop Tray and Triple Monitor Arm are back!

We have good news. 💌

The Laptop Tray and the Triple Monitor Arm were very well received by you guys, they sold out in no time. We are happy to announce that they are now back in stock and available for order!

The Laptop Tray is perfect for gamers who want to stay mobile but at the same time integrate their laptop into their gaming setup. It can be easily attached to a monitor arm via the VESA mount.

The Triple Monitor Arm, on the other hand, allows you to attach up to three monitors to a desk. With this add-on, you can take your gaming experience to the next level and customize your setup even more.

Sound good? Then take a look at our LeetDesk configurator! ⬅️

Thank you for your patience & support!

Your LeetDesk Team 👋

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